Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Low Self-Esteem?

Most people are looking up to someone. Sometimes they tend to idolize them too much. They spend most of their time trying to pretend to be someone else because of the fact that they wish they were someone better. I’ve read something in a religious magazine and I want to share it with you. It says:

““You’re no good for anything.”
Have you even been told of this?
“I’m ugly.”
“I’m no good at sports. Not good in school either.”
How can anyone love me? I’m not worth it!”
Have you ever thought of this?

SELF-ESTEEM. Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you were someone else? If you answer yes, you’re in the majority. Probably everyone who has ever lived wished that they could change at least one thing about themselves: their nose, their height, their personality – something.

Looks. Money. Possessions. Popularity. They all have one thing in common: they’re not guaranteed. Even if we have them, they’re all temporary. When our self-worth relies on the outward aspects of our life, happiness and fulfillment will always be short lived.

True worth can only be measured by seeing ourselves through God our Creator’s eyes. How much value does he place on your life? Did you know that God loves you just as much as he loves his own son Jesus! You can’t get any more valuable that that!”

What matters most in this life on earth is our preparation for our life in heaven. Material things and our looks won’t last long. We should invest on doing good deeds to our fellowmen and to follow what our Lord has taught us which are all written in the Bible. You should love yourself first before someone will love you in return. Start accepting yourself first before others will accept you.

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